All Episodes
Displaying 31 - 60 of 67 in total
37: S-Tier Software with Taylor Otwell
Ian and Aaron are joined this week by Taylor Otwell, founder & CEO of Laravel, to discuss the Laravel vs. JS Twitter wars, new stuff coming down the road from Laravel,...
36: Business Dad
Ian & Aaron discuss Aaron's DHH interview, Ian's phishing fiasco, and are joined by special guest Sam Rose to talk about high effort content & a lot more.Sponsored by ...
35: Laravel vs. JavaScript with Dax & Adam Elmore
Ian & Aaron are joined this week by Dax & Adam Elmore to discuss the Laravel vs. JavaScript discourse, selling coffee over the command line, and a lot more.Sponsored b...
34: It's All Vibes
Ian & Aaron discuss Aaron's new SQLite course, identifiers in Laravel, New York City, and last but not least - socks.Sponsored by LaraJobs &
33: The Secret
Ian & Aaron discuss cheese boards, Aaron's lunch adventure, high performance database consulting, and the Drake vs. Kendrick Lamar beef with special guest Dave Hicking...
32: AI Therapy Connoisseur
Ian & Aaron discuss men's fashion, DHH, location sharing follow-up, AI therapy hot takes, Laravel Octane, upcoming course update, is MySQL over?, non-competes and conc...
31: Fight or Win
Ian & Aaron discuss HelpSpot's future, Aaron reveals his next course, the secret to building courses, the "edge", spouse GPS tracking, the Doordash tax. Sponsored by L...
30: We're Gonna Make It
Ian & Aaron return after a few weeks off to check in on Aaron's new business, his studio, and yes, his healthcare woes. Sponsored by Laracasts, Buttondown, LaraJobs, ...
29: Super Epic Crazy with Adam Wathan
Ian and Aaron are joined by Adam Wathan (our first returning guest!) to talk about Aaron's future plans for courses & consulting, Adam's plans for hiring at Tailwind, ...
28: Try Hard Studios
Ian & Aaron discuss Chilipad, the Aaron Francis Studio of Light and Sound, the week of calls, how to properly apply to a job, Shibboleth secret passwords, what's next ...
27: The Layoff
Ian & Aaron discuss being laid off, what comes next for Aaron, why layoffs always go bad, good free tiers vs. bad free tiers, & more.Sponsored by LaraJobs & Screencast...
26: Indie Tycoon
Ian & Aaron discuss config files in Laravel 11, having ambitious goals, the merits of checking vs. not checking your bag, & more.Sponsored by LaraJobs & Screencasting....
25: Careful, Careful!
Ian & Aaron discuss morning people, PHP/Laravel origin stories, using ChatGPT to write blog posts, Diet Coke vs. Coke Zero, & more.Sponsored by LaraJobs & Screencastin...
24: What's The Good Word?
Ian & Aaron discuss the joy of Diet Coke, Ian's deep dive into DTOs, Inertia vs. Livewire, & more.Sponsored by LaraJobs & questions or feedback ...
23: Real Dad Stuff
Ian & Aaron discuss everything from cryotherapy to the ugliness of most B2B apps to Aaron's first time doing meditation and a lot more.Sponsored by LaraJobs & Screenca...
22: My Mind Vise
Ian & Aaron give out their Super Bowl Predictions, recap the first wave of announcements from Laracon EU, & more.Sponsored by LaraJobs & questio...
21: Your Glove Situation
Ian & Aaron discuss getting sick, something called 'The Suburban Dad Zone', using gloves to change diapers (!?!), and more.Sponsored by LaraJobs &
20: A Man of Culture
Ian & Aaron discuss the Laracon US announcement, going on ski vacations, route model bindings in Laravel, & more.Sponsored by LaraJobs & questio...
19: It's Content, Baby!
Ian & Aaron are back(!) to discuss whatever happened with Ian's DB woes, what it's like to parent two sets of twins, the brand new PlanetScale Studio, & more.Sponsored...
18: You Need Tinker Time with Adam Wathan
Ian & Aaron are joined by Adam Wathan, founder of Tailwind, to discuss everything from the upcoming Tailwind Catalyst UI kit to hiring to a hypothetical Tailwind marke...
17: Ecosystem of Cards
Ian & Aaron discuss Laravel Pulse, DHH's upcoming Slack competitor, Rails copying Laravel, & more.Sponsored by LaraJobs & questions or feedback ...
16: We Didn't Have JSON In My Day
Ian & Aaron return after a mini break to talk about Aaron's new twin babies, Ian's MySQL 8 upgrade woes, the origin story of Eloquent, and a lot more.Sponsored by Lara...
15: Farming, Threadbois, & Meme Lords with Jeffrey Way
Ian & Aaron are joined by Jeffrey Way to discuss everything from the ethics of retweeting compliments to the pros & cons of hiring people to help you and a *lot* more....
14: Nobody Uses Trucks For That
Ian & Aaron follow up on last week's component conversation, talk about Ian's new truck, debate if Laravel devs get paid less, & more.Sponsored by LaraJobs & Screencas...
13: The SQL Injection Slide with Sam Selikoff
Ian & Aaron are joined by Sam Selikoff to discuss React Server Actions & Server Components, why it's important to have one set of opinions, and yes, the infamous SQL I...
12: All Things Livewire with Caleb Porzio
Ian & Aaron are joined by Caleb Porzio to talk about all things Livewire - how it makes money, the future of Livewire screencasts & components, and a ton more.Sponsore...
11: Your Computer Is Your Sanctuary
Ian & Aaron discuss Aaron's 'This Week, Last Week',, the importance of socks, combining React with Livewire, & more.Sponsored by LaraJobs &
10: Late Night Bite
Ian & Aaron discuss time zones, tunnels, Aaron's hatred of NYC, static site generators, and more.Sponsored by LaraJobs & questions or feedback t...
09: Just Enough Laracons
Ian & Aaron discuss a recent minivan purchase, upcoming Laracons around the world, Taylor Swift vs. Lionel Messi, & more.Oh - and they actually disagreed (!) about som...
08: Galaxy Quadrant Theory
Ian & Aaron discuss the dangers of reading documentation, the "long slow SaaS ramp of death", something that Aaron called "so freaking stupid", and more.Sponsored by L...