29: Super Epic Crazy with Adam Wathan
Ian and Aaron are joined by Adam Wathan (our first returning guest!) to talk about Aaron's future plans for courses & consulting, Adam's plans for hiring at Tailwind, & a lot more.
Sponsored by Laracasts, LaraJobs, & Screencasting.com.
Send questions or feedback to mostlytechnicalpodcast@gmail.com.
Sponsored by Laracasts, LaraJobs, & Screencasting.com.
Send questions or feedback to mostlytechnicalpodcast@gmail.com.
- (00:00) - The Interloper
- (01:49) - Hiring at Tailwind
- (09:00) - Extra Effort Matters
- (19:47) - Magic Company Money
- (23:02) - Jerry Seinfeld's Voice
- (27:45) - Nothing Sexier Than a Database
- (43:49) - Taste as a Service
- (54:34) - Courses vs. Consulting
- (01:07:56) - The Aaron Francis Experience
- (01:13:33) - The Master Plan
- (01:28:53) - Price of Admission
- (01:33:17) - En Route To Mars
Creators and Guests
Aaron Francis
Co-founder https://t.co/iQBe3dPhc1.Sincere poster. No cynicism. Dad to two sets of twins! 🖥️ https://t.co/wIdhAlsrlX 📹 https://t.co/hM9ogEIevT🎤 @MostlyTechPod
Dave Hicking
PM @ UserScape. Formerly at UConn, Yale, & Tighten. Resident of the state with the greatest pizza in the world.