32: AI Therapy Connoisseur

Ian & Aaron discuss men's fashion, DHH, location sharing follow-up, AI therapy hot takes, Laravel Octane, upcoming course update, is MySQL over?, non-competes and concierge medicine, hacking Laravel for prefix indexes, PHP x NYC

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Creators and Guests

Aaron Francis
Aaron Francis
Co-founder https://t.co/iQBe3dPhc1.Sincere poster. No cynicism. Dad to two sets of twins! 🖥️ https://t.co/wIdhAlsrlX 📹 https://t.co/hM9ogEIevT🎤 @MostlyTechPod
Ian Landsman
Ian Landsman
Founder HelpSpot, LaraJobs, and Laracon Online.
Dave Hicking
Dave Hicking
PM @ UserScape. Formerly at UConn, Yale, & Tighten. Resident of the state with the greatest pizza in the world.
32: AI Therapy Connoisseur
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